Monday, April 16, 2012

Blog #2 "Overeating"

In the book, thus far, Judith Moore has set a background on her family history. She explained that her mother was a thinner women throughout her life, where as her father, was thinner before he dated and eventually married her mother. Her father started gaining weight though the few years of the marriage, and then ended in a divorce. Judith mentioned how both sides of her family didn't get along with the other. They could barely stand one another during small family groupings. Judith talked about how her father was never a child others wanted to deal with, because of his size.
Judith tried to thin her waist by trying every diet imaginable and going so far as to eventually starving herself, until all she could think about was food. But, none of the diets seemed to work. She continued to gain weight. (Starving yourself as a diet doesn't actually work, like some would believe. Instead, it does the reverse. Your body tries to hold on to each calorie you feed it.) Judith's father even tried some extreme diets, but soon they failed him and he would once again return to the refrigerator in the middle of the night to binge on food. Her father started overeating once his mother had passed away. Like most people with this eating disorder, the food fills a place inside them that they fill was left empty. Once they try to stop they might become depressed and return to overeating once again.
Discussion Questions:
  • Have you ever "over ate" once in your life? What seemed to cause this?
  • Do you think diets ever actually work like they are supposed to? Or are the results not typical, like they claim on TV?
  • Do you think you could ever become addicted to your favorite food? Constinatly eating it, even when your really not hungry.
  • Do you think nervous eating would be considered a eating disorder?
  • Do you eat when your truly not hungry? Why?
  • What does food make you feel when you eat it? What food might cause different emotions in you as an individual?

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